Homeowners Assoc. e-Newsletter

Homeowners Assoc. e-Newsletter

Homeowners Assoc. e-Newsletter This regular e-newsletter for the Ensenada Shores Homeowners Association updates residents about issues affecting their community. The newsletter is generated inside the website’s platform and sent to addresses stored in the CMS...
Safari SmartTips e-Newsletter

Safari SmartTips e-Newsletter

Safari SmartTips e-Newsletter This monthly SmartTips e-newsletter from Safari Multimedia offers Web tips-and-tricks articles to customers and other audiences.
CAP Alert Email

CAP Alert Email

CAP Alert Email This BP Citizen Action Program email alert urges employees to get out to vote during elections.
PAC Email Promo

PAC Email Promo

PAC Email Promo This email promo for BP’s Political Action Committee program entices employees to join with iPod giveaways.
USAA PAC Quiz Email

USAA PAC Quiz Email

USAA PAC Quiz Email This email for USAA’s Political Action Committee links to an interactive Flash quiz with video to teach employees about the program.